My Sick Baby
Have your child ever had regurgitation, vomits every few minutes, out of no where? and he actually ate the same food as everyone. No one else was vomiting. Dun dun dunnnnnn…. So thank god it’s not stomach flu (this is very contagious). What should we do if we do instead of bringing them down to AnE?
Vomitting due to food poisoning caused by you know, kids can get virus from picking things up from the floor right? What I’ll do first is monitor how many times he vomits so far, his last meal time, and what comes out in his vomit. Monitor for any blood in the vomit and for this, please do not hesitate to bring to the hospital.
One of the tip to get through this is to keep child hydrated and prepare plain biscuits only. Usually after vomiting child may seem thirsty but has no appetite to eat. A lot of fluid comes out of the body. Hence, it needs to be replenished. Do not give plain water on its own, no fruits and vegetables, no oats or high fibre foods and no milk too.
Things you can prepare is lots of plastic bags, tissues, syringe, prepare 200ml glucose drink or sweet syrup drink like Ribena. Here is how to do it.
Feed 15ml of the glucose drink every 10-15 minutes until the 200ml finishes or when child falls asleep because they do get tired after the vomitting mania. Let them sleep but monitor them hourly for fever or more vomitting.
Child will get thirsty and will cry for milk. DO NOT GIVE IN. Try your very best to convince your child to not have it yet until he finished the glucose drink without vomitting. If your baby is younger, try to distract child and pacify child instead. In between the intervals, child may feel hungry, let them munch on the plain biscuits. Trust me when I say plain biscuits. You may also give them ice to suck on, or ice hydrolytes or freeze the ribena or glucose drink into ice cubes or popsicles.
After a few hours of no more vomitting, you may want to celebrate but not yet. By now child may seem hungry and wants real food and milk. Trust your gut to give how much Food and Milk. Maybe start with 60ml of milk if his usual intake is 180ml. If he still wants more, he has to wait. At this point, you are almost at the end of the race. Do not risk yourself starting back to square one!
Some liquid that worked when it is emergency is coconut water, isotonic drinks like Pocari Sweat or 100 plus. And the most legendary drink that once a domestic helper taught me is called “Air Garam Gula”. It’s an equal portion of salt and sugar mixed into water. It really tastes like non gassy isotonic drink but there was once, I made them too salty, it was horrible!!
Hang in there. You can do this! 💪💪